
Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Rumbling in my Belly...

Awww....I've been so meaning to be regular with my baby blogs, but with my laptop on the fritz, have been less than frequent with my updates. Typing on the desktop just isn't as fun and comfy as reclining on the bed. And now we're well into the New Year! Happy 2009!!!

So basically everyone in the office knows, and been really happy. Still emotional and tear up whenever I tell people, that yes, I am expecting. Hubby had to go and make a big announcement to his whole family when we had the bbq at his parent's place during New Year's Day. New Year's celebration was really pleasant.

Had a nice early dinner with hubby and his family, then around 10pm made our way to The Empire Hotel, where we 'crashed' Mom, Dad and my uncle and his family having the set dinner at Spaghettini's. Just in time for dessert! Then made our way to my parents suite at the Lagoon Wing. Posh man!! Watched fireworks at the balcony with hubs. It was a bit more meaningful, knowing we had baby with us as well. We were just happy.

I'm comfortably in the 65kg zone now, and steadily increasing. My renal doctor was amazed at how the baby was growing. I told him I'm not so sure it was all baby! Cos I have been really indulging myself, what with hubby back and we have been eating out almost everyday. McDonalds's, Pizza Hut, Saffron, Taurean, Cheezebox....I am abit worried, but enjoying it too much! Am so milking all the attention and pampering!! I love being pregnant! Heheheh!

Anyhoo, I've been telling people I'm about 12/13 weeks along, and would probably be due late June, early July, but then had my first scan last Monday, just so hubby would have a chance to see the baby before he flew off again on Thursday, and another big surprise! Apparently, according to the measurement on the scan, baby is already 21 weeks! Due on 17 May 2009! WOT!! All this time, to think that I was already pregnant in like what, late August! We were so shocked! I felt I was pregnant all over again. Oh could I not know I was pregnant! To find out only more than 2 months later! How clueless was I!!

The doctor asked, have you not felt the baby moving? I said yeah I did, but since I thought baby was still too small for me to feel it moving, have not really paid much attention to it. So, this week, have been really aware of baby moving! I can even see my tummy move man!! It just cracks me up everytime! baby, you're not here yet and you make me laugh. It's also ticklish as well...what a miracle...

I'm just sooo happy....please let my baby be perfect...


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Oh my gawd...finally! Exams are over! Hahahah! I can't remember the last time I felt this happy over finishing exams! I mean, man! I was still in my twenties then..
Oh boy... now all I have to do is pass the damn thing. I can't bear the thought of having to go through that again! Please God, let me pass both papers...

It's so nice to just goof around and do nothing. Not feeling guilty about watching a bit of tv, doze off for a little while, because believe me, it was damn hard to keep awake on some days. I can just lay my head on a pillow and I'm off...Especially after a full day of work, 2 hours of tuition and then continue on with revising til about midnight.

Now, I just want to concentrate on little growing bump here...(though to be honest it just feels that I'm gaining weight from overindulgence really!) heheheh! I have started to keep the hook off my kain, and maybe slip the zip down a little. Mom's bought me some material to make new baju, especially with an expanded waistline...huhuhu! I've also started, I mean stopped wearing perfume, save for deodorant, so I don't start stinking!, which I hold my breath when applying so as to smell as little as possible, it totally makes me nauseous. And people wearing strong (low quality) perfume in the office just gets to me! Urrrggghhh!! I mean it's bad enough on most days, but now! even worse!

I'm off rice, so during lunch, although I'm famished, the sight of rice suddenly makes me...not hungry. Told the hubby that baby's taste maybe like daddy's..bread, pasta and potatoes! Have been trying to fit more red meat to help along with the iron in my diet, but as usual, when you're revising you tend to opt for those quick fix meals, ie. junk!

So, my next renal appointment is on the 30th, and I'm hoping to get a referral to the ante natal clinic. I'm hoping a scan may confirm how far along I am, cos so far it's just guess work. I'm also anxious to find out about how the baby's growing, and hope everything is normal and healthy.

How your baby is growing: 9-12 weeks
From about eight weeks on the baby is called a foetus, meaning ‘young one’. By now a face is slowly forming. The eyes are more obvious and have some colour in them. There is a mouth with a tongue. There are now the beginnings of hands and feet, with ridges where the fingers and toes will be. The major internal organs are all developing, i.e. the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys, liver and gut.

At nine weeks, the baby has grown to about 22mm long from head to bottom. Just 12 weeks after conception the foetus is fully formed. It has all its organs, muscles, limbs and bones, and its sex organs are well developed. From now on it has to grow and mature. The baby is already moving about but the movements cannot yet be felt.


Saturday, December 06, 2008

I'm Trying...

I'm trying not to think about it.

I'm trying not to remember the message. Trying not to have it play over and over again in my mind...

I want to pretend that yes, I made a mistake. I misunderstood. I'm just being silly, and paranoid and over reacting. It's just the hormones...It's making me think crazy thoughts. I really wanna believe, yes, that message was meant for me.... EVEN THOUGH IN MY HEART, ALL THE EVIDENCE JUST POINTS TO WHO'S GUILTY!!

I hate this!!! I really don't need this right now! It kills me that I'm passing all these bad, negative thoughts to the baby. And with my exams coming up too! I wasted a whole day yesterday, when I could've revised a whole bunch, just being generally depressed and teary...

What a, yes, in the interest of self preservation, I'm just gonna pretend or at least put that thing at the back of my mind... I can't fall apart right now... I have to get through this, at least until after the exams, after that I'd be free to bawl my eyes out, if I still feel like it. But the way things are going, I really tear up easily these days... damn hormones!! Please God, give me strength and prove me wrong... because yes, I really do love him, and I really miss you...

So, saw the doctor on Monday. My haemoglobin has dropped down to about 9, so am abit worried about that. Doc had to up my iron tablet prescription. But other than that, everything else is under control. Another blood test at the end of the month. I hope my kidney holds up through this...

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

That's Real Sweet....

Received a message from the renal nurses this afternoon congratulating me on my positive pregnancy test. Apparently they were just as curious about my test results, so had it traced, and told me the news right away.

It's funny how they said they were excited to find out about the good news and urged me to see the doctor this Tuesday, instead of waiting for my appointment.

I'm trying to enjoy being pregnant, knowing that I'm pregnant, but at the same time, at the back of my mind, I'm also a little anxious about the baby and also about my kidney. Especially since I haven't been drinking as much as I usually do. I hope everything will go well.


Thursday, November 27, 2008


There's been alot on my mind obviously... what with studying for the exams, attending the seminars, extra classes... that 'other' thing... I'm really drained, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Sent my urine test on Monday, got help from one of my friends to check the results and of course, undeniably it is definitely positive. Took another home pregnancy test again that night, just so I can take a picture of the positive result, but then found out that my camera isn't working!

I've started to accept the fact that I am pregnant. There, I said it, I'm pregnant. Well and truly knocked up... heheheh! My mom's already started on all the do's and don'ts. Everytime we talk bad about someone, especially in terms of appearance, tutup pusat (cover my belly button), like it's gonna stop the bad things from reaching the baby! hehehe! might as well cover my ears and shut my mouth. Eat coconut flesh, so your baby will be fair. Eat lots of red meat so you'll get a baby boy, don't stand in the doorway, so that your baby won't get stuck when you deliver. Oh my! Old wive's tale?

The only thing I believe in is starting to read surah Yusuf (so your baby will be beautiful), surah Maryam (so you will have an easy labour/delivery).

Anyhow, I know I've been drinking lime juice all the time, everyday. This baby is really asking for some Vitamin C! Other than that I've not really had morning sickness or anything. Maybe really, really mild nausea like when I first get to the office in the morning, but nothing Hacks or Tic Tac can't remedy. No vomiting at all, just a little pleghmy in the morning, which makes me gag a bit. But that's about it really.

Can't imagine how I will look like in a few months time. If my calculations are correct I think I'm just under 2 months, so maybe by the time my birthday rolls around I think I will definitely show. Well, to tell the truth, I've always had a tummy anyway! Hehehhe! I'm gaining weight by the day... if I weren't pregnant, I'd definitely be hitting the gym already.

We'll see how things go. Just can't wait til the hubby comes back home...

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Friday, November 21, 2008

The Cat's Out of the Bag...

Well, maybe just the head....

I guess I couldn't keep the news from my husband any longer. So sent him a message this afternoon...I guess he was in a bit of a shock, but then the news sank in, he was excited, then worried... wanted me to go to the doctor then and there! Heheh!

May our prayers be answered...

Then, next thing you know my mum in law called, then later that night my sisters in law, then mum told my brother cos he was in the room when I was on the phone. Oh boy...I'm thinking I should have my test this Monday, instead of the following week, just to confirm everything sooner...

Emotional roller coaster!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Changes...Hoping for Changes...

So, Sunday, had Mandi Berlawat function next door to celebrate my cousin's first baby girl. Chatted with her older sister about how she found out she was 2 months pregnant too with her second.

So that night I began to wonder, I mean I have missed my period October and November, and I have been feeling a bit woozy in the mornings. My tic tacs and sweeties are never far from reach. And I have been craving and drinking lime juice for the past couple of weeks. So, I decided to find out online what the symptoms of being pregnant are. I mean, although my periods have been regular after the transplant, it has been a bit wonky since September, so the missed periods didn't really bother me.

Anyhoo, there were a few nifty quizzes online which asks you questions and in the end, sort of give you an idea of if you were preggers on not. So, I think I tried maybe about 5, and most of them basically says that I showed symptoms of pregnancy, but to know for sure I need to have a pregnancy test, and that the easiest was to do a home pregnancy test. Ok, so that's it then, will get those tests tomorrow. Why did I have to do the quizzes? I just wanted to be convinced to get the test, because I just didn't want to be disappointed, and know for sure I wasn't pregnant.

So, (how many times have I used so so far... ahahah!). So, made up my mind, will drop by Guardian Pharmacy tomorrow, and get me a couple of the test kits.

Monday rolls around, left the office around 5 or so, got stuck in traffic in Gadong, then with nervous but purposeful strides, made my way to Guardian. Wanted to find the test myself, but in the end asked the girl at the counter. Note - it is under Personal Care. The last time I took a pregnancy test was when we first got married 6 years ago, and even then my husband got them for me.

So got a couple of the Clear Blue ones, and paid for them. Let me tell you though, if you're planning to get these tests, it would be a good idea to go with your husband or mom, cos buying it yourself, I kinda got the feeling the girls at the counter were thinking... well, you know... 'why is she alone? did she have an accident?' or maybe it was just my imagination. I mean, I look like a married old womon, right. My imagination. So, relieved I got that over with, rushed back home, cos I really needed to pee anyway.

Got home, rushed to my room, read the instructions quickly, easy enough, pee on the absorbent bit for 5 seconds, leave it for 1 minute, then + if you're pregnant and - if you're not! Tore open the packaging, sat down and peed, basically peed all over the stick, cos my bladder was damn full. Left it for the required minute, then, nervous, nervous, is it a plus? I mean the horizontal line isn't very clear, but the vertical line is SO clear and blue. So is it positive? Must be right?! I mean, if it was negative, even though the horizontal line was faint, at least there wouldn't be a vertical line, it would just be a faint, horizontal line, which shows a -. Right? But this is a plus, right, there's a faint horizontal line, and a definite vertical line, yes. A PLUS. Hehehehe! I was so excited! Haaaaaappyyyyy.... am I really pregnant? Oh god, oh god! Please, please let me be pregnant!

So, excited as I was, decided to take another test a couple of hours later. And, yup, it was still the same faint horizontal and clear vertical line. I am pregnant. I am, right? I am... oh god! I just want to be absolutely sure! Wished my husband was here. If he was, I would just oh! leave the stick by the tub and let him find it... surprise!! Heheheh! Oh god... I need to see a doctor. I want to tell someone, but resisted the urge to send a message to my husband, until I am totally sure.'s so difficult!! I'm just fantasising about ways to tell him.. hehehehhe! READ THIS!!! hahhahha!

So, the next day, after lunch, showed the 2 sticks to my mum, and asked her if I am indeed pregnant. She seems to think so!!

So, waiting game now... my next blood test is on the 8th. I think I will slip in pregnancy test on this one... fingers crossed. Wish us luck!

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

I've Been Eating!

Ok, ok... so I've lapsed again, been ignoring me bloggie.

So, since I'm full now with Pizza Hut goodies, spurred on by a $20 voucher, hubs and I headed on the The Mall, Gadong and ordered the sautéed fresh mushrooms, which MUST be eaten with the plain garlic bread, i.e. not the cheesy supreme ones, with a dash of the chili pepper flakes.

Also ordered our classic favourite, bbq chicken wings. Hubs then went on to his penne meat pasta. Decided to forego pizza today, but my faves, as is most other Bruneians out there, is the Tuna Delight and the Honey Garlic Chicken. Other favourites in Pizza Hut are the Chicken Caesar Salad (my nephew loves this), fried Calamari (dad's order) and if I can fit it in, the Onion Rings are good too. For pasta, the ladies like the Clam Linguini and the chicken and mushroom pasta is also a tasty option. A few years ago, before Pizza Hut Primo, or even The Mall was in existence, I used to have the Beef Lasagne all the time! (Hrmmm....should try that again sometimes).

Another recent discovery is to be found in Jollibee. The Chicken Pita Sandwich is always ordered with the Mashed Potatoes, since I'm always having takeaways, but if I were to dine in, I would definitely have it with the cheesy fries, cos this must be eaten whilst hot and molten, once it gets cooler, the cheese just solidifies and inda tia nyaman lagi. Jollibee also does a mean fried chicken which comes with out of this world gravy. My 6 year old nephew is crazy for their gravy; he likes to pour it onto his beef burger! Hahahah! Years ago, I used to go for their Jollifrank and Spaghetti too, not anymore though.

Now, if you're nowhere near a Jollibee, KFC also does their version of the chicken wrap, The Toasted Twister. This would probably be more convenient compared to Jollibee's pita sandwich cos KFC toasts theirs, which results in a compactly wrapped tortilla roll. Jollibee is just a simple wrap, so fillings tend to spill out a bit. No big deal if eating at the table, so for picnics or on the go, go for KFC, who also do mash, but surprising only cheesy wedges. I remember Singapore KFC's cheesy fries are simply the best! Another favourite chicken toast is the Cheesy BBQ Meltz, (the salsa version doesn't do it for me). For burgers, I'd go for the Zinger burger, only cos it's decently sized for my appetite, the Colonel burger and the OR burger is just too small here in Brunei, like the size of my palm... can't think why. Yang di S'pore, bisai, basar, like a real sized normal burger. Tau sudah orang Brunei ani rangka.

Also, if Mum and I were out cruising and feeling peckish, we'd order the Chicken Nuggets, which goes nicely with a bit of chilli sauce. Heheheh! Back then, KFC's Ice Lemon Tea was also tops cos they used limau kasturi, but not anymore.

For drinks on the road, hubby has introduced Easy Way's Lychee Shake. One Easy Way branch which I always go to is located in Kiulap, opposite C.A.Mohammad / Dream Cones restaurant. Mum has also become a fan, and I always pre-order on the phone, so by the time I reach there it's ready to be collected.

Ok, apa lagi nyaman...ah yes! Recent dim sum discovery. A few weeks ago and old pal and I had a serious catch up session at the Nyonya Delima branch. (Sampai 4 jam kali ah!!) The waiter recommended this steamed rice dish wrapped in lotus leaf. I have since googled this dish and found out it’s called ‘Law Mai Gai’ (hope I got that right). It’s steamed sticky rice with a delish filling of chicken, mushrooms and a salted egg yolk. Not my usually kinda dim sum dish, but will definitely order this again next time.

Hubs and I also stumbled upon Emperor’s Court dim sum buffet at the Manggis Mall one Sunday. They have this HUGE spread which also includes noodles, porridge, dessert. So, it’s well worth the $15.80 per person if you’re real hungry. One memorable dish I had was this deep fried lotus filled bread type ball. It is kind of on the greasy side, but I just adore the crisp outside, and then biting into the bready dough and tasting the sweet lotus paste. Definitely went for seconds. Available Sundays and Public Holidays only.

Also heard that Vanda Chinese Restaurant at the Orchid Garden Hotel offers a cheaper dim sum buffet at $12.80 per person. Again only available Sundays. Although haven’t tried this one yet, maybe this Sunday, just before puasa? Hehehehhe!

Okay, next? Hrrrmmm… yes! Best ever coleslaw has to be at Dixy Chicken. I always get the large one for $2.80 cos the small one is just not enough! It’s that good! It goes well with their grilled chicken and some of their large cut chips… nice! (I’ve been known to go to Dixy’s just for the slaw alone!)…which reminds me, have some still in the fridge, must have for lunch tomorrow.

Then, sweeties! Must tell you about the best Mango Strudel, only available at Fleur de Lys. Although, must say that I don’t think strudels are available anywhere else in Brunei! Heheheh! Other delish strudels available are the classic apple and surprising strawberry. And so, due to the scrumptiousness of these strudels, they’ll usually be gone by late afternoon, ie. after work when I have a hankering for some. As a result, hubs sometimes rings beforehand to make sure there’re some available and reserves a slab. A slice of this mango heaven will set you back $5, but the whole slab is $15, which is about 4 slices. Oh man… must stop by FDL again soon. Another firm favourite is the Blueberry Cheesecake, which is about $4.80? a slice. We sometimes buy the whole cake for birthdays, for about $40. Never any leftovers for long, unlike other cakes. The Mango Cheesecake’s not bad either. For snacks, I’ve many a time had the Mushroom Quiche, (the salmon and lorraine’s a tad on the salty side). Sometimes, would also order the tuna pasta salad, chicken salad, and sandwiches. All good.. although on the pricey side, but quality and taste well worth your money. I like that FDL is consistent taste and quality wise. Been going there for many years now, and will continue to do so. Oh yes, and if you happen to be at the Kiulap branch, don’t forget to try their gelato (Gelateria Fiorentina). My fave flavour at the moment is the rockmelon, but there are tons more to choose from!

Ooooh oooh! Went to the Korean Restaurant too, cos my brother wanted to try it. Been with friends only once before, and I enjoyed it,especially with the cute, tasty side dishes, so I thought I’d be able to remember what we ordered. So we went last month. The first thing that I noticed, which put me off immediately was the overpowering smell off food as we entered. I know we were at a restaurant, but this was waaaay too much! Damn! Smell definitely stuck to clothes. And then the food wasn’t as enjoyable as the last time I had it either, and some I wanted to order was not available. I guess the only dish I liked was the Seafood Pancake, and maybe only for takeaway. Don’t think I’ll ever sit and eat at that restaurant again..

Another new try was Vintage Rose, ie after new management took over. Went with hubs last June. After we ordered, and whilst waiting for our food, I looked up and guess what! I saw this teenie head poking from the corner ceiling and then this long tail appeared! It was a mousie!!! Oh no! Unfortunately hubby didn’t look up in time to see it, but he asked if we should cancel and leave, but as always, I felt too guilty to impose on people, so I just settled for a table move, looking at another direction. Hubs did inform the wait staff there, so hopefully they had the place exterminated since, cos I would definitely return as the food is YUMMY! Hubby had the lambchops, and I had the grilled stuffed chicken with jacket potato (I wanted mash, but they were out). The highlight was definitely the tasty and generous serving of gravy, it was practically swimming in the thick, dark stuff, but I didn’t mind one bit, (I hope the generous serving wasn’t just a sort of peace offering for not leaving after the mouse incident?). Seriously, we both enjoyed our food. Hrrmmm.. Ratatouille anyone? Hahahha!

Ok, I think that’s enough talk about food for now. It’s making me hungry! Hopefully, I be moved to blog about food again soon, since the fasting month is coming up, and food always tastes better when you’re starving, and there’s sure to be tons of Ramadhan sungkai promotion for the whole of September for me to write about. Heheheh! Goodbye gym, hello elastic waistbands!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back from Somewhere....

Phew...didn't realise I'd been gone so long...

Coming back from holidays always messes up with my blogging. Only decided to add this post after getting an email from Verve Earth to register on their site, so I did. Decided to add the site's widget on my sidebar too.

So that's all for today. Thank God it's Thursday, off tomorrow. Didn't go to the gym tonight, my thighs ache something bad after doing 3 sets of lunges walking like a duck...stairs are hell!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Muahahahha! Got 2 days of work left, and I'll be ****ed if I can't finish by Thursday pm. But then, what tha' hell, kalau inda abis inda abis lah...need a kit kat man! Break! BIG break! I renewed my passport around this time last year, pasal expire, but as of now it has not yet been filled, and the first stamp going in is for Heathrow. Oh yeah!

Can't wait! Can't believe I last went away was in May 06 to KL! Lama kali udah ah!

Last time I was in London was November 02, so like my mom said, 'Au ih! Time to go to London udah'. Heheh!

I'm so excited, I just can't help it...

And to see my nephew and my niece at last... MISS THEM SO MUCH!

Glad my sister came over to Brunei last week for a few days for a budget meeting at her workplace, so we definitely had a lot of fun together, makan, shopping- baju, shoes, accessories! (I spent $125 buying stuff at Ego man! bracelets, rings, cuffs..sioklah! alum lagi ke London,start tia udah shopping!), trying out clothes, picking out stuff to wear and bring to London. I'm so useless at this kind of stuff, she came at the right time! My very own style and fashion consultant. Hahahah!

So, my bags are slowly filling up, making mental notes of stuff to not forget to bring, so, here's hoping it's not gonna be too effing cold!


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happiness is Sugar Glazed!

Yay! My sister's home for work for a few days, and with her, my fave Original Glazed Krispy Kreme doughnuts brought from halfway around the globe... forget JCo., forget LA Donuts, forget Fun Donuts... these are THE doughnuts. I guess once you've tasted Krispy Kreme, the others just don't hack it man! Ah... half a dozen pack of bliss, just for me, no sharing ah... karit ku ni. U guys can just enjoy the pics;

Then on top of that, my sis also brought back tons of goodies for me! Siok kali ah!

How lucky am I? Check out my shoes! Love these funky purple Gucci inspired heels with purple diamante encrusted snake (cool kali ah!), classic silver peep toe pumps and the Coach ballet pumps, plus matching bags too!

Then she got me 7 tops...lawa-lawa ani! Zara basic, Paul & Joe Sister...Couldn't wait to try them on. To be honest, we went out for Japanese this evening, and I wore the green Zara top tarus! Haha! Inda beterikah, and inda becuci! Sadang! Semangat.....huhuhuhu! Can't believe am flying off next Friday!!! Can't wait! Even hubs called all the way from Mekkah to say how excited he was about the trip to London.

Also got me other knick knacks she brought from her US trip; key chains, magnets, Red Sox stuff for hubs, then books, mags, choccies...basically it's like my birthday all over again! Hehehehhe! Can you tell I'm happy?

Felt kinda guilty about all the dough she spent on my stuff though, ku kira-kira must've cost her about a thousand bucks! But then she said she was getting another bonus from work (apart from the year end bonus!), this time it's a 2 months performance bonus, so, she said why not! Getting a 5 figure income sure doesn't hurt eh? No wonder she splurged on a $2,500 Chanel bag and a $1,000 Prada bag (on sale sudah tu ah?!), plus, plus, plus, plus other stuff... I think 2 bulan gaji ku pun inda cover.... waaaahahahah!

So I guess I'll be sticking to my affordable type of edible happiness for some time yet eh? Oh well, I ain't complaining.....*sugar high*

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Friday, February 29, 2008

What Won't Kill You....

What luck! Just returned home after scoring myself a two nights stay at luxury accommodations with the Hotel Hospital RIPAS!

Yup! After successfully managing to dodge the dreaded hospital stay for the last 2 and a half years, my body has once again succumbed to a simple fever and sent me packing.

Started feeling unwell on Sunday, wasn't too sure getting up for work on Monday morning, but after 3 days off due to the National Day public holiday, I didn't want people thinking I was taking advantage of the long weekend, to continue it with a medical leave. However, I was sneezing and sniffling and basically blowing my nose through 2 hours of meeting with the YDM. Nasty! Abis kali sekutak tissue oleh ku. By evening, I felt really bad, and burning up.

Tuesday morning, hubs dropped me off at Ong Sum Ping at 8am, registered and didn't get called in to see someone until about 10.15am!! Promised myself next time I'm ill, I'm going to a private doctor, I don't care what admin says, because after more than 2 hours waiting and feeling miserable, I didn't even get to see a doctor! It was the stupid (sorry, got a bit carried away) community health nurse or whatever he called himself again! I need to see a doctor! So seeing as I was gonna get the same panadol and 1 day medical leave deal again, I gotta say, I kinda bullied the guy a bit and started sprouting shit about my medication changes, my tacrolimus levels and my immunocompromised state and what not... so, in the end he got me to see a doctor. Huhuhu! Sneaky! But a girls gotta take care of herself y'know. I'm surprised something even came out my mouth I was so pissed shit miserable by then....

So, had to wait a bit more, then got called in again to see the doctor. He gave me some attitude though about him having to see me who apparently only had a nuisance of a fever. Sasak pulang ku jua, tapi....ah....malas ku udah. So, in the end, got me 2 days off, some meds and also sent me over to RIPAS for some blood tests, urine culture and chest xray before the lunch rush. So it was a pretty hectic morning for me, when all I wanted to do was just lie down and curl up under the duvet.

Wednesday afternoon, went to see the dr again for the results of yesterday's test, and before I knew it I was being referred to hospital. Went straight to ward 20, didn't even bother to go home first and pack. So, there I was again, having my arm pricked for more blood tests and my hand reintroduced to the lovely iv cannula for my iv antibiotic. The night wasn't any better, what with the non-existent thermostat for the airconditioner, I was effing freezing. Then being rudely woken up with sudden bright lights to have your temperature checked and bp taken. Then again, at god knows what time, to be asked how many times I drank that night and how many times I peed! Good God man! Shouldn't you be asking me that like before I went to sleep!! I couldn't give a bloody &*^£"@%! I thought you're supposed to give the patient a good nights sleep to let them heal faster??!! Like my sister likes to say, 'Sasakku!!'

So, back at home again....can't tell you how good it feels!!! But back to hospital again tomorrow morning, but thankfully, just for another blood test.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Not Meant to be...

It is like the age old saying,'Kita merancang, Tuhan menentukan'...

We all love you, welcome back home...Sabar saja.

May God protect our family...


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dragon x Horse = ?

Hubs in Jakarta for work. Don't forget to get me Krispy Kremes ah... I want my usual Original Glazed, then wanna try out the Glazed Cinnamon and Glazed Blueberry. *Homer Simpson bliss haze*

We've been singing this song...

Amy Winehouse - Rehab lyrics

but this is his current fave...

Colbie Caillat Bubbly Lyrics

although this one's mine right now...

Maroon 5 Lyrics
Won't Go Home Without You Lyrics

Siok ni dangar nyaring-nyaring dalam kereta, tambah lagi kalau u sing along to it... best at night kali lah, so inda kana ucap setangah tiang by other road users...ahahah!

have a listen...

And on a different note (no pun intended... heheheh!), was happily reading my favourite blogs when had to rush to the loo to do a number two (rhyming lagi tu! huhuhuh!). I thought, Dapat ku bawa ke jamban kah ni laptop ani ah? But then decided against it... karang basah rusak saja... eeek! Better not! Just concentrate on doing the doodah man! Hahahahha!

Burn a match.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Rat Infested Birthday...

Ok, feeling rather crap yesterday. Good thing it was a Public Holiday for Chinese New Year, so it was a double day off, Thursday and Friday, so I pretty much wasted it away sleeping. I don't know, could hardly keep my eyes open...

I really had planned to go out for a birthday dinner and shop for shoes using my 20% off on your birthday deals. Crap... eyes refused.

Anyhu, had a little double celebration at the in-laws with my sis-in-law. So, following are a couple more pressies.

This one's from my sis, obviously purchased during her State side work trip..haha!

Headscarves from mum-in-law...

Super killer heels! from my girl/sis-in-law...

Thanks also to the hubs for the lovely cake from The Empire Hotel.

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